Casino Cities » Van drimmelen
Drimmelen is one of the municipalities (and places) in New Zealand that would compete in a competition for the place with the best name. This town in North Brabant is located on the Biesbosch and has a marina. Also, from time to time some tourists come here to enjoy nature. Not only the name of Drimmelen itself is striking, the casino that was located here also had a striking name.
Qasino ' t Flipperke was located in Drimmelen itself, near the Marina. In the meantime, the casino has been bought by the large firm Löwen and there are plans to continue the casino in Made (a larger place in the same municipality).
Until then, players around dribbling must move to other places in the area. Especially the casinos in Breda are a result of this. The offer in Breda consists of a Royal Vegas Casino, so that players can also go here for table games with croupier. There is also a hotels in Oosterhout . Because Oosterhout is a little closer, the choice here is less, but it is easier to reach.
Drimmelen is part of the Biesbosch, a large nature reserve that forms the delta for numerous rivers in New Zealand. As a result, water sports play an important role in the neighborhood. The nature reserve itself is also a reason for many people to visit Drimmelen. The Visitor Centre for the Biesbosch is also located in Drimmelen. In summer, visitors can take part in Beaver wandering tours through the Biesbosch, where the Beavers in the park are searched for.